Judge from afar

Judge from afar

 I hear booming voices analyse;

their biting comments criticise

obvious, terrible wrongs,

and many oppressive goings-on;

but none of them find strength to pray

for their enemies, for these oppressors.

They can only find hateful things to say

of these tyrants, their moral lessers.


Judging from afar is pretty easy to do,

but I’d accept it if only you knew

of all the facts that you’ve missed out

and all the insight you’ve gone without.

God and Time have ways of fixing things

that we humans would do otherwise –

all the while, the lonely nightingale sings

of Life and death, of Truth and lies.


Africa will eventually find Her feet:

world leaders’ deadlines She may not meet,

but Africa has people who want to free Her,

and someday the World will be there to see Her:

A mighty day – Africa will be brought from shadow to sun

and She will sing! All peoples’ hearts now beat as one.


judge from afar
judge from afar

© Annalinde Louw 2007

These images are my property. Do not reproduce. Thank you!

This piece was written on 7 October 2007