My being is scattered

My being is scattered

Frantic pin-pricks poke metaphorical holes in the fabric of my being;
the soft cottony material that envelops my thoughts, actions and words.

Holes stretch, become gaping voids, contents expelled into the universe,
searching for new quarters wherein to quarantine their quota of data.

my being is scattered

I feel attached
to the world;
we are one being.

I reel, wings outstretched,
like a graceful bird
unsure of what it’s seeing.

my being is scattered

My being is scattered across The Reality.
My mind in different locations –
drinking in all annotation
as far as the heart can see.

my being is scattered

© Annalinde Louw 2012
Please feel free to leave a comment, I appreciate all feedback. Thank you for reading!

Images via Google Images. Click to follow their links.

This piece was written on 19 December 2012