asinghlife retrenchment recess image from wikipedia

Retrenchment Recess: Episode 3

Retrenchment Recess:

Episode 3

All the while, between writing songs, singing, and swanning from coffee shop to coffee shop, here are a few benefits of being retrenched that I’ve noticed. Yes, they’re all a bit tongue-in-cheek, because nobody wants to wonder whether they can pay their bills, and nobody is poking fun at being financially insecure or losing your job. I’m just trying to see a few rays of light while I’m here…

1) I get to spend a lot more time with our sweet pooches, Jazz (a.k.a. Fatty/ Sneaky, Beardy/ Jazz-Bum/ Schnackles) and Nibbles (a.k.a. Queen Nibbles/ The Niblet/ Little One/ Fluff-Bum/ Nibble-Stinks).

asinghlife retrenchment recess

On a chilly winter’s morning, there are few things better than having a cup of coffee while these two give me some serious hugs! It’s been such a pleasure being able to spend more time with them. Nibbles loves to run and fetch the ball (she could be a little mental though, because it is a lawn bowl and could easily crush her, but that is the only ball she hasn’t been able to shred…). Jazz loves learning new things, like basic agility. The only downside to all this fun Furchild time is that I realise they bark ALL THE TIME (Hey, don’t look at me!)

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